Rampzalig advies op het gebied van vetconsumptie
The American Big Fat Lie
De Amerikanen hebben ongewild het grootste onderzoek op het gebied van voeding en het gebruik van vetten uitgevoerd. In de 70er jaren gaf de Amerikaanse overheid de bevolking het advies om minder vet te eten. Het effect van dit advies was dat Amerikanen massaal van vet overschakelden naar de consumptie van koolhydraten. De gevolgen waren desastreus. Een explosie van overgewicht en diabetes type II (volledige artikel) was het gevolg.Nederlandse fouten "linolzuur goed voor hart en bloedvaten"
De Nederlandse overheid begon in de zelfde periode met een campagne om de bevolking minder verzadigd vet en meer onverzadigd vet te laten eten. Dierlijk vet werd in de ban gedaan en plantaardig vet werd gezond verklaard. De industrie reageerde op dit credo met een aantal op plantaardige zonnebloemolie gebaseerde producten. Voorbeelden zijn: zonnebloemolie en plantaardige margarine die werd aangeprezen met: “linolzuur goed voor hart en bloedvaten”. Ook dit advies had rampzalige gevolgen. Door een overmatige consumptie van plantaardige olie steeg de inname van ontstekingsbevorderende omega-6 vetzuur en werd de balans tussen omega-6 en omega-3 verstoord. Deze verschuiving in de balans van de omega-6 / omega-3 essentiële vetzuur verhouding heeft de afgelopen 30 jaar duizenden mensen het leven gekost, voornamelijk aan, cynisch genoeg, hart en vaatziekten. Bovendien heeft deze verstoring in de essentiële vetzuren balans ernstige gezondheidsproblemen zoals hoge bloeddruk, borstkanker, dikkedarmkanker, prostaatkanker astma, artritis, de ziekte van Crohn, depressie, schizofrenie, agressie, bipolaire depressie en ADHD veroorzaakt.Nederlandse fouten in de 21ste eeuw
Verzadigd vet is verkeerd onverzadigd vet is oké, is dat wel zo?
Het voedingscentrum is met een nieuwe campagne gestart Verzadigd vet = Verkeerd / Onverzadigd vet = Oké. Het voedingscentrum vermeldt echter niet dat meervoudig onverzadigd vet zoals zonnebloemolie zeer instabiel is en daarom nooit bij het bakken en braden gebruikt mag worden. Hierbij komen stoffen vrij die zeer schadelijk zijn voor onze gezondheid. Het is daarom beter om in verzadigd vet (roomboter) of, in enkelvoudig onverzadigd vet (olijfolie) te bakken.Het voedingscentrum maakt ook geen melding van het feit dat zonnebloem olie zeer schadelijk is voor hart en bloedvaten en bij over consumptie de vetzuren balans negatief beïnvloedt met ernstige gezondheid problemen als gevolg.
Het advies van het Voedingscentrum Verzadigd vet = Verkeerd / Onverzadigd vet = Oké, in de nieuwe campagne VetWijzer is dan ook zeer ongenuanceerd, het zegt niets over de schadelijke effecten van meervoudig onverzadigd vet bij verhitting en geeft niet aan dat zonnebloemolie zeer schadelijk is voor onze gezondheid.
Transvetten, hoeveel mag je nu per dag?
En tenslotte vermeldt het voedingscentrum wel dat transvetten zeer schadelijk zijn voor onze gezondheid, maar verzuimt te vermelden wat de maximaal toegestane dosis voor een volwassene per dag bedraagt. U krijgt al 1 gram transvetten binnen na het eten van een Bami Speciaal kant en klaar maaltijd van Albert Heijn. Supermarktketens als C-1000, Kommar en Dirk van den Broek zullen het op het gebied van kant en klaar waarschijnlijk niet veel beter doen.Toepassing bij de behandeling van overgewicht
Het maken van een verantwoordde keuze op het gebied van vetten is moeilijk en heeft grote gevolgen voor de keuze die dagelijks moet worden gemaakt op het gebied van voeding en de bereidingswijze van voeding. Ook kan een "verantwoorde keuze" voor de ene persoon toch weer iets anders zijn dan voor de andere. Factoren als de behandeling van bestaande ziekten of de preventie van toekomstige ziekten spelen hier een rol.Iemand waar in de familie vaak diabetes voorkomt zal het vermijden van transvetten waarschijnlijk bovenaan zijn lijstje plaatsen. Dat betekent in ieder geval, geen kant en klaar maaltijden, geen voeding uit de frituur, geen gebak en koek en geen margarine. Iemand die probeert een tweede hartinfarct te voorkomen zal waarschijnlijk geen plantaardige oliën meer eten maar kiezen voor 3 - 4 maal per week vette vis of omega-3 (EPA DHA) suppletie. Toch zijn er ook wel algemene richtlijnen te geven.
- eet minder verzadigd vet en meer onverzadigd vet
- maar geen onverzadigde plantaardige olie en zeker geen zonnebloemolie
- koud geperste olijfolie is wel toegestaan en voor vrouwen is het gebruik lijnzaadolie toegestaan
- eet meer vette vis, bij voorkeur 3 - 5 porties per week. (u heeft daarvoor 21 maaltijden beschikbaar). gebruik indien nodig visolie suppletie met voldoende EPA en DHA
- gebruik geen omega-6 supplementen zoals bijvoorbeeld borageolie (GLA, omega-6)
- probeer transvetten te vermijden. dat betekent geen kant en klaar, geen voeding uit de frituur, geen gebak en koek en geen margarine
Low-fat diet
- Increased consumption of refined carbohydrates and the epidemic of type 2 diabetes in the United States: an ecologic assessment. (ABSTRACT)
Increasing intakes of refined carbohydrate (corn syrup) concomitant with decreasing intakes of fiber paralleled the upward trend in the prevalence of type 2 diabetes observed in the United States during the 20th century - Increased consumption of refined carbohydrates and the epidemic of type 2 diabetes in the United States: an ecologic assessment. (FULL STORY)
Zonnebloemolie (linolzuur = linoleic acid = LA)
- High-energy diets, fatty acids and endothelial cell function: implications for atherosclerosis
Our studies suggest that omega-6 fatty acids, and especially linoleic acid, cause endothelial cell dysfunction most markedly as well as can potentiate TNF-mediated endothelial cell injury. We propose that high-energy diets, and especially diets rich in linoleic acid, are atherogenic by contributing to an imbalance in cellular oxidative stress/antioxidant status of the endothelium, which can lead to activation of oxidative stress-responsive transcription factors, inflammatory cytokine production and the expression of adhesion molecules - Linoleic acid-induced endothelial activation: role of calcium and peroxynitrite signaling
Research to date indicates that linoleic acid (LA), the major fatty acid in the American diet, may be atherogenic by activating vascular endothelial cells. However, the exact signaling mechanisms involved in LA-mediated proinflammatory events in endothelial cells still remain unclear. - Linoleic acid induces MCP-1 gene expression in human microvascular endothelial cells through an oxidative mechanism
Linoleic acid is a dietary fatty acid that appears to play an important role in activation of the vascular endothelium under a variety of pathological conditions, including development of atherosclerosis or cancer metastasis. Evidence indicates that inflammatory responses may be an underlying cause of endothelial cell pathology induced by linoleic acid. - The role of linoleic acid in endothelial cell gene expression. Relationship to atherosclerosis
There is evidence that linoleic acid plays a critical role in gene expression and vascular function as it relates to the pathogenesis of atherosclerosis.
Omega-6 / omega-3 ratio
- The importance of the ratio of omega-6/omega-3 essential fatty acids
Several sources of information suggest that human beings evolved on a diet with a ratio of omega-6 to omega-3 essential fatty acids (EFA) of approximately 1 whereas in Western diets the ratio is 15/1-16.7/1. Western diets are deficient in omega-3 fatty acids, and have excessive amounts of omega-6 fatty acids compared with the diet on which human beings evolved and their genetic patterns were established. A lower ratio of omega-6/omega-3 fatty acids is more desirable in reducing the risk of many of the chronic diseases of high prevalence in Western societies, as well as in the developing countries, that are being exported to the rest of the world. - Interplay between different polyunsaturated fatty acids and risk of coronary heart disease in men.
Consumption of polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFAs) may reduce coronary heart disease (CHD) risk, but n-6 PUFAs may compete with n-3 PUFA metabolism and attenuate benefits. n-3 PUFAs from both seafood and plant sources may reduce CHD risk, with little apparent influence from background n-6 PUFA intake. Plant-based n-3 PUFAs may particularly reduce CHD risk when seafood-based n-3 PUFA intake is low, which has implications for populations with low consumption or availability of fatty fish. - n-3 fatty acids and human health: defining strategies for public policy
Human beings evolved on a diet that was balanced in n-6 and n-3 essential fatty acid intake, whereas Western diets have a ratio of n-6/n-3 of 16.74. The scientific evidence is strong for decreasing the n-6 and increasing the n-3 intake to improve health throughout the life cycle. - Adequate Intakes for Adults
Although the recommendation is for AI, the Working Group felt that there is enough scientific evidence to also state an upper limit (UL) for LA of 6.67 g/day based on a 2000 kcal diet or of 3.0% of energy. For pregnant and lactating women, ensure 300 mg/day of DHA. Saturated fats should not comprise more than 8% of energy. The Working Group recommended that the majority of fatty acids are obtained from monounsaturates. - Omega-3 fatty acids in inflammation and autoimmune diseases
Many of the placebo-controlled trials of fish oil in chronic inflammatory diseases reveal significant benefit, including decreased disease activity and a lowered use of anti-inflammatory drugs - Essential fatty acids in health and chronic disease
Human beings evolved consuming a diet that contained about equal amounts of n-3 and n-6 essential fatty acids. Over the past 100-150 y there has been an enormous increase in the consumption of n-6 fatty acids due to the increased intake of vegetable oils from corn, sunflower seeds, safflower seeds, cottonseed, and soybeans. - Dietary n-6 and n-3 fatty acid balance and cardiovascular health
The distinct functions of these two families make the balance between dietary n-6 and n-3 fatty acids an important consideration influencing cardiovascular health. - Summary of the NATO advanced research workshop on dietary omega 3 and omega 6 fatty acids: biological effects and nutritional essentiality.
Clinical trials are necessary in order to precisely define the dose and mechanisms involved in defining the essentiality of omega 3 fatty acids in growth and development and their beneficial effects in coronary heart disease, hypertension, inflammation, arthritis, psoriasis, other autoimmune disorders, and cancer. - Dietary modulation of omega-3/omega-6 polyunsaturated fatty acid ratios in patients with breast cancer.
Polyunsaturated fatty acids of the omega-6 (omega-6) class, as found in corn and safflower oils, can act as precursors for intermediates involved in the growth of mammary tumors when fed to animals, whereas polyunsaturated fatty acids of the omega-3 (omega-3) class, as found in fish oil, can inhibit these effects. - Dietary fatty acids and prevention of hormone-responsive cancer
The results from some, but not all, epidemiological studies indicate that the level of dietary fat intake and the nature of the constituent fatty acids influence both breast and prostate cancer risk, and disease progression. This review concludes that clinical intervention trials designed to reduce total fat intake and increase the ratio of omega-3 to omega-6 fatty acids in the diet should be targeted at groups at a relatively high risk for breast or prostate cancer, and also at postsurgically treated cancer patients with the objective of preventing disease recurrence. - Comparison of fatty acid profiles in the serum of patients with prostate cancer and benign prostatic hyperplasia
It was proposed that the changed composition level of PUFAs including omega-3 and omega-6 PUFAs have certain relationship with both prostatic diseases. Therefore, the ratio of omega-3/omega-6 PUFAs also may have an important association with the benign and malignant status of prostatic disease. - Diet and asthma: has the role of dietary lipids been overlooked in the management of asthma?
Studies suggest adaption of a western diet has not only contributed to obesity, but that increased intake of specific nutrients can cause changes in the frequency and severity of asthma. A reduction in the levels of inflammatory mediators associated with asthma has also been seen with dietary interventions, such as the administration of oils containing gamma-linolenic acid and eicosapentaenoic acid. - Intake of n-6 and n-3 fatty acids and fish and risk of community-acquired pneumonia in US men
We examined the association between intakes of n-6 and n-3 fatty acids and fish and the risk of community-acquired pneumonia. Higher intakes of alpha-linolenic and linoleic acids and possibly of fish may reduce the risk of pneumonia. - Attention deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) in children: rationale for its integrative management
Nutrient deficiencies are common in ADHD; supplementation with minerals, the B vitamins (added in singly), omega-3 and omega-6 essential fatty acids, flavonoids, and the essential phospholipid phosphatidylserine (PS) can ameliorate ADHD symptoms. When individually managed with supplementation, dietary modification, detoxification, correction of intestinal dysbiosis, and other features of a wholistic/integrative program of management, the ADHD subject can lead a normal and productive life. - Dietary fat and colon cancer: modulating effect of types and amount of dietary fat on ras-p21 function during promotion and progression stages of colon cancer
Thus, the dietary HFCO (high-fat corn oil) may promote colon tumorigenesis by increasing ras-p21 expression, whereas HFFO (high-fat fish oil) appears to exert its antitumor activity by interfering with posttranslational modification and membrane localization of ras-p21 - The inhibitory effect of flaxseed on the growth and metastasis of estrogen receptor negative human breast cancer xenograftsis attributed to both its lignan and oil components.
In conclusion, FS reduced the growth and metastasis of established ER- human breast cancer in part due to its lignan and FO components, and not to lipid peroxidation. - Long chain polyunsaturated fatty acids improve cognitive development
Docosahexaenoic acid (DHA, an Omega-3 fatty acid) and arachindonic acid (AA, an Omega-6 fatty acid) are long-chain polyunsaturated fatty acids (LCPs) that are important for cognitive development. Research has shown that LCPs are associated with improved visual and cognitive development: breast-fed children had higher IQ scores compared with children who received an infant formula that did not contain LCPs. Because breast milk contains LCPs and the formulae in these studies did not, it is possible that LCPs may contribute to improved cognitive development. - An adaptogenic role for omega-3 fatty acids in stress; a randomised placebo controlled double blind intervention study (pilot) [ISRCTN22569553]
There is evidence for an adaptive role of the omega -3 fatty acid, docosahexaenoic acid (DHA) during stress. Mechanisms of action may involve regulation of stress mediators, such as the catecholamines and proinflammatory cytokines. Prevention of stress-induced aggression and hostility were demonstrated in a series of clinical trials. - Eicosapentaenoic acid treatment in schizophrenia associated with symptom remission, normalisation of blood fatty acids, reduced neuronal membrane phospholipid turnover and structural brain changes
The administration of the omega-3 fatty acid eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA) to a drug-naive patient with schizophrenia, untreated with conventional antipsychotic medication, led to a dramatic and sustained clinical improvement in both positive and negative symptoms. - Essential fatty acids, lipid membrane abnormalities, and the diagnosis and treatment of schizophenia
Studies of EFA metabolism have proved fruitful for generating and testing novel etiologic hypotheses and new therapeutic agents for schizophrenia. Greater attention to factors that influence tissue EFA levels such as diet, tobacco and alcohol are required to reconcile inconsistent findings. Treatment studies, although promising, require independent replication. - Increasing homicide rates and linoleic acid consumption among five Western countries, 1961-2000
Clinical intervention trials and animal studies indicate that increasing dietary intakes of long chain n-3 FA or reducing linoleic acid intake may reduce aggressive and violent behaviors. Greater apparent consumption of linoleic acid correlated with higher rates of homicide mortality over a 20-fold range (0.51-10.2/100,000) across countries and time in an exponential growth regression model (r = 0.94, F = 567, P < 0.00001). Within each country, correlations between greater linoleic acid disappearance and homicide mortality over time were significant in linear regression models. - Omega 3 fatty acids in bipolar disorder: a preliminary double-blind, placebo-controlled trial
Omega3 fatty acids were well tolerated and improved the short-term course of illness in this preliminary study of patients with bipolar disorder. - Depletion of omega-3 fatty acid levels in red blood cell membranes of depressive patients
These findings suggest that RBC membranes in depressive patients show evidence of oxidative damage. Possible interpretations, and implications for the etiology and treatment of depression, are discussed - Fish-oil fatty acid supplementation in active rheumatoid arthritis. A double-blinded, controlled, crossover study
Conclusions: fish-oil ingestion results in subjective alleviation of active rheumatoid arthritis and reduction in neutrophil leukotriene B4 production. Further studies are needed to elucidate mechanisms of action and optimal dose and duration of fish-oil supplementation - Effects of n-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids on glucose homeostasis and blood pressure in essential hypertension. A randomized, controlled trial
Fish oil, in doses that reduce blood pressure and lipid levels in hypertensive persons, does not adversely affect glucose metaboli
- Enkele ontwikkelingen in de voedselconsumptie
Ook de samenstelling van de vetzuren in de voeding vertoonde een gunstige ontwikkeling: het percentage verzadigde vetzuren en transvetzuren nam af tot respectievelijk ongeveer 14% en 1,7%. Toch is de inname nog steeds hoger dan de 10% en 0,8% die vanuit gezondheidskundig oogpunt aanvaardbaar wordt geacht. - Tweede Kamer der Staten-Generaal, Preventiebeleid voor de Volksgezondheid
Het streven is dat in 2010 meer mensen voldoen aan de RGV en de voedingsnormen voor verzadigd vet, transvet en groenten en fruit. In 1995 vormden transvetzuren nog twee procent van de totale energie-inname, dit moet in 2010 zijn gedaald tot één procent. - Enkele belangrijke ontwikkelingen in de voedselconsumptie
De overheid heeft zelf onderzoek gedaan naar de eetgedrag van 19 – 35 jarigen. Als bij deze groep de eetgewoontes zodanig worden veranderd dat er tenminste 400 gram groente en fruit en tenhoogste 10% van de energievoeding uit verzadigd vet bestaat en voor 0,8% uit transvetten dan dalen hart en vaatziekten met 12% en de incidentie van kanker met 14%. - Dietary trans-monounsaturated fatty acids negatively impact plasma lipids in humans: critical review of the evidence
Human clinical studies since 1990 have revealed that relative to cis-monounsaturated fatty acids (i.e., oleic acid), t-FA increase total cholesterol (TC) and low density lipoprotein cholesterol (LDL-C), and tend to decrease high density lipoprotein cholesterol (HDL-C) concentrations. Additionally, t-FA tend to increase the atherogenic lipoprotein (a). Thus, t-FA induce an adverse plasma lipid profile (increased ratios of TC/LDL-C and LDL-C/HDL-C), which represents increased risk for coronary heart disease. - Trans fatty acids: are the effects only marginal?
Federal regulations should require manufacturers to include trans fatty acid content in food labels and should aim to greatly reduce or eliminate the use of partially hydrogenated vegetable fats. - Trans-fatty acids intake and risk of myocardial infarction
These data support the hypothesis that intake of partially hydrogenated vegetable oils may contribute to the risk of myocardial infarction.
Maagdarmstoornissen: Candida infectie - Prikkelbaredarmsyndroom - Crohn - Colitus Ulcerosa - CVS/ME: Chronische vermoeidheid Syndroom - Diabetische complicaties: Bloeduiker stabilisatie - Neuropathie - Retinopathie - Nefropathie - Hart- en vaatziekten: Cardiomyopathie en Hartfalen - Hoge bloeddruk - Cholesterol verlaging - Aderverkalking (atherosclerose) - Spataderen - Levensverlenging: 100 jaren jong - DHEA - Melatonine - 65+ - Kanker: - Ondersteuningstherapie bij kanker - Bot en gewrichtsaandoeningen: - Artrose - Artritis - Osteoporose - Fibromyalgie: - Fibromyalgie - Urinewegaandoeningen: - Prostaatklachten - Blaasontsteking - Vrouwenklachten: Menopauze - Premenstrueelsyndroom - Overgewicht: - Overgewicht - SLIM - Oogaandoeningen: Staar - Slecht zien Andere artikelen: - HPU - Astma - Multiple Sclerose - Psoriasis - Depressie
Maagdarmstoornissen: Candida infectie - Prikkelbaredarmsyndroom - Crohn - Colitus Ulcerosa - CVS/ME: Chronische vermoeidheid Syndroom - Diabetische complicaties: Bloeduiker stabilisatie - Neuropathie - Retinopathie - Nefropathie - Hart- en vaatziekten: Cardiomyopathie en Hartfalen - Hoge bloeddruk - Cholesterol verlaging - Aderverkalking (atherosclerose) - Spataderen - Levensverlenging: 100 jaren jong - DHEA - Melatonine - 65+ - Kanker: - Ondersteuningstherapie bij kanker - Bot en gewrichtsaandoeningen: - Artrose - Artritis - Osteoporose - Fibromyalgie: - Fibromyalgie - Urinewegaandoeningen: - Prostaatklachten - Blaasontsteking - Vrouwenklachten: Menopauze - Premenstrueelsyndroom - Overgewicht: - Overgewicht - SLIM - Oogaandoeningen: Staar - Slecht zien Andere artikelen: - HPU - Astma - Multiple Sclerose - Psoriasis - Depressie